FM 5-20 War Department Field Manual, Camouflage, Basic Principles 1944-02-09
"This manual covers general camouflage principles. Camouflage of individuals, infantry weapons, vehicles, bivouacs, command posts, supply points, medical installations, field artillery, aircraft on the ground, airdromes, antiaircraft artillery, rear areas, and permanent fortifications are treated in separate manuals of this series. Other camouflage techniques are covered in TM 5-267 and its supplements. This document details the problem of concealment, principles of camouflage, hiding and blending, deceiving, and geographic and climatic factors affecting camouflage."Digitized by the Combined Arms Research Library (CARL) Digital Library, US Army Combined Arms Center."This manual supersedes paragraph 1-21, 36-40, FM 5-20, 1 June 1940"--Page 1
"February 1944."